Homework W/C 02.12.19

Hi everyone,

Apologies for the very belated homework blog post this week! Lovely primary 5 inform me that they’ve been pressing on with their usual homework, so thank you to them for their maturity!


Usual spelling homework please, all words written three times plus two activity spelling strategies of your choice.


Rowlings – Poems by Rosen, finished for Friday please (Kensuke’s Kingdom to be picked up after poetry book.)

Walliams – Poems by McGough/Douthwaite, finished for next Friday please.

Dahls – Poems by Grace Nicholas, finished for Friday please (Jane Blond Superspy to be picked back up after poetry book.)


Please complete 10 minutes per night of hit the button. Please do a mixture of tables practising both multiplication and division.


Now that our swimming block has come to an end our P.E. slot has changed. P.E. will now take place on Monday (usual time) and on Friday after lunch (change from Thursday morning). If all children could please come to school with P.E. kits on these days please.