Homework W/C 01.10.19

Hi all, I hope everyone had a fantastic September Weekend.

Please find this weeks homework listed below.

Spelling – 

No new spelling rule this week, so please catch up on any homework that was missed last week due to the September Weekend.

Maths – 

Can you please continue working on and complete your maths games. These are due to be finished and brought in for Friday. There is also a SumDog competition on at the moment, so if you have finished your board game then feel free to play 10 minutes a night of this.

Empathy Educators – 

Primary 5 did an amazing job of teaching the primary 3s all about empathy (pictures to follow!) We’ve also put up a huge empathy tree in our classroom which displays all of our class focuses. We also want to display some of our own empathetic acts on this tree. The plan is to have one empathetic per pupil displayed on the tree. There will be time to complete this in class, but keep eyes peeled for extra empathetic acts at home too!