Homework W/C 16.09.19

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Please find this weeks homework listed below.

Maths – 

Please find activities under the homework tab on Education City.  If anyone has any difficulties accessing this then please let me know.

Spelling – 

Please find new spelling rules in spelling jotters. Nessy groups will get their new rule on Wednesday and Thursday.

Monday – Words 1 – 5 x 3

Tuesday – Words 6 – 10 x 3

Wednesday – Active spelling strategy for all 10 words

Thursday – Active spelling strategy for all 10 words

Reading – 

Animal Heroes – End of the book for Friday please.

Good Dog Lion – Up to chapter 8 (page 46) please. (Amended pages!)

Steggies Way – End of the book for Friday please.

The Broken Roof – End of the book for Friday please.

A few books were forgotten today so see me first thing in the morning if yours is not in your school bag.

This week our skills focus is identifying, answering and asking a range of questions. Today some groups spoke about inferential questions, so try and come up with some while you are reading. Please find all other active reading strategies in homework diaries: ‘Active Reading Strategies’ mat. Remember to keep working on other skills we’ve covered like predicting and visualising and literal questions.

P.E. – 

Please remember P.E. kit for Monday and Thursday.

Other News – 

Now that all updated data checks are back we can start posting on our blog. Stay tuned for some updates on our learning!

Mrs Macintyre