Welcome Back! And…. homework!

Welcome back everyone! I hope you all had an excellent and restful summer and that you are looking forward to all that primary 5 has to offer! We’ve already had a very busy first week: negotiating our class charter; deciding and planning our class topic (Extinct and endangered animals – stay tuned for some exciting updates); setting up our class profiles and just generally getting to know each other!

In the interest of getting right back into the swing of things, please find homework listed below.

Maths – 

For the next two weeks there will be a selection of activities on Education City under the ‘homework’ tab. If you have any problems accessing this, please let me know. After two weeks we will alternate between online maths homework such as Education City, SumDog and Google Classrooms, and our mental maths grids.

Spelling – 

New spelling rules will be issued every Monday with homework to be collected in on Friday. Orchard Bees, Honey Bees and Bumble Bees all received their new spelling rule yesterday. Nessy groups will receive their first new spelling rule next week and this will be set by Mrs Ali. An active spelling grid with lots of suggestions for activities has been glued into homework jotters. Can I ask that homework jotters are covered please.

Monday – Words 1 – 5 x 3

Tuesday – Words 6 – 10 x 3

Wednesday – Active spelling strategy for all 10 words

Thursday – Active spelling strategy for all 10 words

The above timetable of work is only a suggestion and learners have complete autonomy to organise their time as they wish as long as all the words have been copied out x 3 and two active spelling strategies have been used to practice all 10 words.

Reading – 

Reading homework will be set tomorrow, following which the pages to read will be updated.

Silly Stories –

The Legend of Spud Murphy –

12th Floor Kids –

The Red Planet –

I.C.T – 

This year we will be creating and using our own online ‘Profiles’ using Google Sites to share and document our learning. All children have already set up their own Profile in class which can be accessed through Glow > Google Drive > Google Sites. On the homepage there is an ‘All about me’ section which I would like you to spend the next two weeks updating. There is also a section for ‘Achievements’. Please add any personal achievements, whether that’s in or out of school, to this section. It can be in the form of photographs, video clips,  or a small blurb. Please also spend time customising the theme, colours, and fonts… this is your Profile so design it as you wish!

Thanks for reading. If you have any questions or queries please let me know. I hope you all have a fantastic week!