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This week we have been learning about Fairtrade. We have been researching the topic to find out what Fairtrade is and who it helps and how. We have learned that it gives farmers a fair amount of money for their work producing things like bananas, cocoa beans for chocolate and coffee. We learned that we should try to buy Fairtrade products whenever we can.

Outdoor Learning Day!

This week, P5 had an excellent day taking part in Outdoor Learning Day. We made our own nature mandalas in Art. It was great fun collecting and gluing the leaves. We just had to watch out for the jaggy nettles!

We also did a senses experience outside where we tried to create descriptive sentences about what we could see, hear, smell, touch and taste.

In Maths, we were being bee-bots and giving and taking directions around a maze. It was tricky but fun!


World of Work : Dog’s Trust

As part of our ‘World at Work’ week, we had a visit from someone who works for the Dog’s Trust. She told us all about what happens to the dogs when they arrive at the trust. We learned how and why the dogs are treated with flea spray. We learned that one flea can bite a dog upto 300 times a day. We also learned that all dogs are fitted with a microchip so that the dogs and their owner can be tracked if something happens. We also learned why it is so important for owners to clean up after their dogs and that owners may be made to pay a fine  if they do not follow the rules.

It was interesting to learn about the different types of jobs people do in the Dogs Trust, from vets to canine carers. Perhaps one day someone in our class will work for the Dog’s Trust. Who knows?

Building Learning Power: Collaboration


We have been learning to work together as part of a team. We know what we need to do to be an effective team member. We set personal collaboration targets to help us improve our collaboration skills. Many people said they need to try harder to stay tidy and organised during tasks. Some people  said they need to try harder to stay focussed during tasks and do their part of the job as best they can. We are all trying hard to make sure that we  listen to others and speak nicely to others, even when things are not going our way.

We worked together on a papar chain challenge. We were shown a  photograph of a paper chain and were given the resources we would need. In small groups, we had to ‘work out’ how to make it. When we were finished someone suggested that we join all the chains altogether. We realised just how long our paperchain was when we joined it. Someone else suggested that we keep going until it was long enough to go round the whole classroom. We also thought it would be fun to add some googly eyes and a tongue and make it in to a silly snake.

It took us quite a long time but we got there in the end. It showed us just how much we could achieve when we work together!!! Collaboration is a skill that we use everyday in school and one that we will need for our future.


Our Special Fish Tank

We have been learning about estimating and  measuring length using metres and centimetres.  We used our measuring skills to create fish that were exactly 10 cm long.  We used a ruler. We remembered that when you are measuring in cm you need to make sure that you begin at the start of the scale rather than from the end of the ruler.

Any fish that were exactly 10 cm made it into our special fish tank. Any fish that were bigger or smaller than 10cm had to go into a different tank.

We enjoyed working independently and most of us are feeling more confident about measuring in cm. We will continue to practice our measuring skills and can hopeully use them in a creative way throughout Primary 3.

SEE! THINK! WONDER! Who is Gaudi???

Our second SEE! THINK! WONDER! object was a tiny mosaic owl. When we looked closely we noticed that something had been written on the back. It said GAUDI!!!! Our teacher went on to the internet to find out more.

We read some information about Gaudi and our teacher asked lots of different ‘wh’ questions. We used highlighters to text mark the answers and we used this key information to create our own summaries of Gaudi’s life.

We were also inspired to create our own mosaic animal pictures in the style of Gaudi. We hope you like them!!!

Our Class Charter

In Primary 3 we have been working together to create ‘Our Class Charter’. Our class charter is an agreement between the children and adults about the rules we need to follow during the school day. We decided to focus on:

  • The right to be safe and happy.
  • The right to learn.
  • The right to play.

Our charter clearly describes what the children should do and what the adults should do. We have all agreed to try our best to follow these rules. We hope this will  help us to meet our goal of becoming a ‘Rights Respecting School’.

Digital Learning – Creating Animations

We have been learning how to create animations using ‘I Can Animate’ software.

We began by learning about setting, then created fantastic drawings of a jungle setting. We also wrote some excellent Jungle Explorer stories based on our setting! They were exciting to read with lots of action.

Next, we used our drawings as a background for our animations. Our friends in Primary Three shared their learning with us and taught us how to create an animation using ‘I Can Animate’ software. We have started to create our animations and they are coming along brilliantly. We will share more of our  learning about animation as we go along.


Autumn Adventure

Primary 1 have been learning about Autumn and we went on an adventure to the grounds of Arthurlie House. Each group had several tasks to complete – tree rubbings, gathering treasures and completing a sense sheet.

When we returned to class we sorted our treasures into different sets and in small groups created a piece of Autumn art.

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