Category Archives: Sciences

Food Chains Slideshow

In Science, we have been learning about foodchains. We have explored how animals and plants depend on each other for food. We have learned to use the words producer, consumer, preditor and prey. We can now create our own food chains and label them with the correct science words.

We have been learning to use our digital skills to create a slideshow using Google slides . We all made 3 slides to show a foodchain that we had created. We put these slides together to create a class slide show. We all thought it was really cool how we could just send in our slides and they would all appear together like that. We would like to use this approach to show and share our learning in other areas of the curriculum and for other topics.

We hope enjoy looking at our slideshow.

Outdoor Learning at Rouken Glen

Primary Two have been so lucky this term to have the opportunity to visit Rouken Glen. We have been working with Young Enterprise at their centre in the park.  We enjoyed creating bug hotels using leaves and net bags, for any little wrigglers in our garden to have a cosy place to go!

We  planted our own cress seeds and decorated the recycled pots to make them look attractive.

We had a very healthy and tasty lunch of pea and broccoli soup with crusty bread. We also had the chance to travel in the Young Enterprise minibus which was super!