All posts by gw18franchiluciano@glow


This week we have been learning about Fairtrade. We have been researching the topic to find out what Fairtrade is and who it helps and how. We have learned that it gives farmers a fair amount of money for their work producing things like bananas, cocoa beans for chocolate and coffee. We learned that we should try to buy Fairtrade products whenever we can.

Outdoor Learning Day!

This week, P5 had an excellent day taking part in Outdoor Learning Day. We made our own nature mandalas in Art. It was great fun collecting and gluing the leaves. We just had to watch out for the jaggy nettles!

We also did a senses experience outside where we tried to create descriptive sentences about what we could see, hear, smell, touch and taste.

In Maths, we were being bee-bots and giving and taking directions around a maze. It was tricky but fun!