Sharing Our Learning-Animations

We have been learning how to create animations using I Can Animate software.

We were challenged to create our own settings which we uploaded and used as our background. We then created characters which had travel through our setting.

We have nearly finshed them  and will be uploading them soon.

We have also  been sharing our learning with Primary Two and we have been helping them to create their own jungle  animations.

We enjoyed helping  our fiends in Primary Two, their animations are   really coming on and theirjungle  drawings look fantastic.


Ancient Egyptians – Fact or Opinion

Primary 3 have been learning about the ancient civilisation the Egyptians.

We have been using our research skills to find out about people from the past using artefacts, reference texts and websites.

We have discovered a lot of facts about the ancient Egyptians and discussed similaries and differences.

As part of our reading we have been exploring  facts and opinions.

A fact is something which can be proven wheras  an opinion is how you feel and  it can change.

We created  fact and opinion boards to present our learning. We asked our peers   to identify  which statements were facts and which were opinions.


The ancient  Egyptians  made paper from  the paypyrus plant.


The pyramids are the most beautiful buildings.


Maths Games

Elise and Kayla’s Spinner Maths game

We worked cooperatively with our partners to create fun and challenging maths games for everyone to use.

We created rules for our games, challenging maths questions and designed attractive boards.

We have all enjoyed trying out each other’s games. Elise and Kayla’s Spinner  board game has been particularly popular although we had to make some changes to the rules as we kept getting sent back to the start.

Printing-Bee Art

Alyssa and Jessica

In science, we have been learning about honeybees. We researched facts about honeybees and found out about how they work together to build their hives.

We realised that the cells within the honeycombs are hexagon shaped.  We used bubblewrap and cardboard to create a printing tool. We then worked in pairs to print our own hives.

We also looked at photos  of honeybees and identified the different shapes we could use to draw them.  We then stuck our bees onto our printed hives. We were very pleased with the results.

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