Category Archives: Numeracy and Mathematics

Busy Thursday!

Primary 6 had a busy Thursday with lots of active learning.
We were considering the strategies that we can use for problem solving and identifying the correct ones to use to solve the problem.  We did discover that some problems could not be solved!

We also enjoyed creating our own problems and we will concentrate on this more next week – getting other people to find an answer!

Acting out the situation was a good strategy to use.

We created organised lists and tables.


At lunch time some of the class enjoyed craft club.  Some made reindeer, others completed Hama bead designs and many made lovely Christmas tree cards.

In the afternoon we were working on Science and discovering more about circuits.

Our learning was self led and it was interesting to see the discoveries that we made!  We really enjoyed making bulbs light, buzzers buzz and motors turn and we are looking forward to finding out more next week.


Primary 6 have been spending lots of time outside today as it is Outdoor Classroom Day.

We completed our comprehension activities and moved about as we identified literal, inferential and evaluative questions.

During our maths problem solving we were all working on measure.

Some of the groups were measuring trees and others were challenged to find a stick exactly half the length of another.

In the afternoon we were back out for the daily mile!  We were really pleased that the weather was dry.

Working together to answer inferential questions.

Interesting way to measure trees!

Finding sticks and measuring tree heights.

Maths Games

Elise and Kayla’s Spinner Maths game

We worked cooperatively with our partners to create fun and challenging maths games for everyone to use.

We created rules for our games, challenging maths questions and designed attractive boards.

We have all enjoyed trying out each other’s games. Elise and Kayla’s Spinner  board game has been particularly popular although we had to make some changes to the rules as we kept getting sent back to the start.

Printing-Bee Art

Alyssa and Jessica

In science, we have been learning about honeybees. We researched facts about honeybees and found out about how they work together to build their hives.

We realised that the cells within the honeycombs are hexagon shaped.  We used bubblewrap and cardboard to create a printing tool. We then worked in pairs to print our own hives.

We also looked at photos  of honeybees and identified the different shapes we could use to draw them.  We then stuck our bees onto our printed hives. We were very pleased with the results.


Maths Week

As part of maths week last week, Primary 3 took part in a 2D shape and 3D object hunt. The squares used tally marks to record the data and the triangles displayed the information by using chalk to draw barcharts on the playground. We liked being outside and observing 2D shapes and 3D objects out in the environment.

‘The basketball is a sphere and the bench is a cuboid’ Maisie

Whilst the shape hunt was underway, the squares applied their learning about following directions and planned routes around the playground using right and left turns.

‘I got better at estimating how far distances were. I estimated 24 steps from the bottom of the road to the top and it was 26!’ Kenzie