Outdoor Maths and Science

Today Primary 3 took their Maths and Science learning outdoors. We used our measuring skills to create life size food chains. First we found out the average sizes of animals within a Food Chain and ordered then from smallest to greatest.

Ross and Harvey



Isla and Sophie
Kayla and Thomas measuring together

We then decided what measuring tools we would need to use. We used rulers for the smaller animals such as the mouse which was only 6 centimetres long. We used the metre stick for  the larger animals. The fox was 90 centimetres long(without tail) and the coyote was  1m10 cm in length.  We drew arrows to show the flow of energy and labelled our food chains with key words such as producer and consumer.

  • Isla and Sophie’s ‘box’ coyote food chain

‘I liked working with Isla and Cameron. We all had to help with the metre stick and make sure we start at zero. It was funny because Mrs Murdoch said coyotes were similar to a large fox but I thought she said box! So we drew a box coyote!’

Sophie N

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