Tag Archives: Water

Water Usage Survey

This term we have been learning about Global Citizenship and we will be exploring issues related to water.

We completed a water diary at home to identify how much water we use every day. We then calculated how many litres we used   and we were quite surprised at just how much water we use.

We compared our water usage to a child’s from Morija in Africa who only uses 18 litres a day and created a graph to display the information. The comparison graph and diary task really illustrated to us just how much water we use and indeed waste.





We were also shocked to discover that 1 in 10 people don’t have access to clean water.

We used the issue tree to help us apply critical thinking skills to the issue and identify the roots of the problem such as ‘water wastage’, as well as the impact it can have upon others e.g. illness. We identified possible solutions to the problem. As global citizens we identified small steps we can take to address the problem, for example taking shorter showers.


Jeanie's Issue Tree
Jeanie’s Issue Tree

We have decided to take action and raise awareness of these issues, we are going to produce eco friendly posters to highlight the issue to our peers and we are also considering other actions we can take tackle this problem.
