Tag Archives: Mapping skills

Community- Needs & Wants

We explored what community means to us.  First we compared our community with a community within Morija.

We looked at a map of Barrhead and a map of Morija. We identified features on the maps

James & Ryan's Community
James & Ryan’s Community

and were surprised at how many similarities there were. We discussed how important it was for communities to have certain features such as a school, shops and health centres.

We agreed that communities are more than just a place you live in with a variety of amenities but that it was also a place where people had shared values such as respect and responsibility.

A community is a place people share and respect each other and their area. A community looks after everyone, keeps them safe and happy. Everyone is responsible for their community.  Joseph and Harley

In pairs we then created our own ‘ideal community’ using our mapping skills and based on our discussions. We then discussed the difference between wants and needs. We looked at  a variety of different resources such as water, mobile phones, toys and  classified then as  a need or a want using   a venn diagram.


We then identified and ranked the most important ‘needs’, we all identified water as being the most important resource humans need to survive.

We are going to be  learning  about water and exploring  issues such as sustainability throughout the term.