On Friday 6th October we shared our learning and teaching from Term 1 in an assembly with P7a. Everyone in our class spoke about a topic of their choice. The topics we discussed were:
- P7 Roles and Responsibilities (Jessica & Cameron)
- Safety in the Park (Ryan & Charlie)
- Science- The Respiratory System (Jeanie, James & Chloe)
- Art- elipses (Amber & Ewan)
- Literacy- VCOP (Beth & Jordan)
- Health and Wellbeing- Wonder (Jamie)
- RME- Islam (Sophie)
- P.E- Fitness & Possession Games (Frase & Joseph)
- Maths Week (Aimee)
- Singing Children of Africa (Elise & Harley)
Paige and Emma then concluded our assembly with a final thanks and summary of our favourite points of P7 so far.