Tag Archives: Victorians

Scotland Street School visit – A Victorian School Jan

On Tuesday 24th January P6a and P6b went to Scotland Street School.  In Social Studies we are learning about life in Victorian times.  We are learning about the period 1837-1901.

We travelled by bus it took us 30 mins. We had our snack in the café and then went on the tour. We split into two groups boys and girls. We were given costumes – waistcoats and collars, girls had white tunics. We were lined up in straight lines smallest to tallest then we had to use our arms to make sure we were in a straight line and that we had equal spaces between each other.

The teacher Mr Valentine grouped us into desks. He was very strict and stern looking and spoke in a deep and threatening tone. We had to stand up when he spoke to us and call him Sir.

We had to recite our times tables , we did a mental maths test using slates and crayons, we had a spelling test and we had to copy out our words in Copperplate writing using  ink, a blotting sheet and fountain pens. It was quite tricky to use these pens without smudging or making a blot. Left handed people were not allowed to use their left hand in Victorian days but he allowed us to. We had to sing a song  for Queen Victoria  and learned about playground games and songs. Ross volunteered to get the belt ! However Mr Valentine hit the desk instead of his hand and a spark cam off the desk We talked about similarities and differences between Victorian schools and modern day schools.

Emily – “It was lots of fun to experience what school was like in Victorian times although at some points I was a bit scared.”

Connor- ” It felt weird when the girls and boys were separated and had to use separate doors, stairs and playgrounds.”

Lewis – ” It felt weird putting on the head teachers cloak and ringing the school bell”.

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