Tag Archives: Reading for Pleasure

Literacy Circles


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We sorted our class library into different genres e.g. adventure, friendship, fantasy, horror, comedy. This enabled us to easily  choose  books  according to their genre.

We selected 5 books that we would like to read, 5 books that we might want to read and 5 books that we didn’t want to read. We had to justify our reasons for our choices . We recorded this information in a table.

We started a reading log of books we are reading which will help us make our reading. We will write a book review which other boys and girls can use to help them select a book. Once we have completed books, we will discuss the books with our peers .

We selected our favourite texts to discuss with our peers and we made recommendations .

We are aiming to create a community of readers within our class.

Lewis  “at first I was not keen on reading but once we got started and I read my first book, I am more interested and I found I enjoyed reading my book”.

Kirstie ” We thought that if sorted the library , it would help us find books we liked”.