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Homefront Histories

Primary 7 had a fabulous day when Mr Bowen from Homefront Histories visited us. He brought lots of original artefacts from WW2 and turned the two classrooms into a museum. We moved around the different stations in our groups and found out some extremely interesting information about the war. We also have some wonderful photographs of us working in our groups and wearing some of the army uniforms. In the afternoon we went outside to use the manual air raid siren and we sang some WW2 songs. It was an amazing day!






Primary 7 Assembly

On Friday 6h October 2017  both Primary 7 classes shared their learning journey so far this term. We worked in groups to decide what information we wanted to share with the rest of the school and then wrote our script together.

Kirstie spoke about some of the responsibilities that we have as Primary 7 pupils. Jamie and Ross reported about our experiences at the Safety in the Park  experiential learning afternoon and Thomas talked about the skills that we have covered during art lessons. Olivia shared some of the Big Writing strategies that we use to help us to improve our writing and Aiden and Adrian shared their thoughts on our class novel ‘Wonder’ by RJ Palacio.

Kenzie and Emily told the rest of the school about Mr Aziz from Glasgow Central Mosque who spoke to us about what being a Muslim means to him.

Lewis and Connor spoke about the skills that we have been learning through playing Possession Games and Lily , Gary and George talked about National Maths Week and how we use Sumdog to improve the speed and accuracy of our numeracy skills.

Mia and Paige were happy to tell everyone what a wonderful day we had when the Singing Children of Africa visited our school and performed for us.

We all enjoyed singing ‘Can’t Stop the Feeling’ and Mrs Esplin and Miss Graham were very proud of us all.




Dams to Darnley Sponsored Cycle Friday 2nd June

Dams to Darnley Bike ride  

On Friday 2 nd  of June p5, 6 and 7 took part in the  Dams to Darnley bike ride.  First we went down to the P.E hall and sat in our groups. Then we got a bag, a water bottle and a biscuit  for the journey. We were told who our group leaders were. Then we went outside and got our helmets and bikes. We completed a bike check and then walked in our groups down the tram lines in the playground. We walked to  the Jerry Park and then rode our bikes from there. It was a beautiful day for a cycle . We saw lots of walkers with their dogs and had to cycle safely past them.

Olivia – it was good exercise and was lots of fun.

Lily – I really enjoyed the cycle, the views were beautiful.

Kirstie – It was a really lovely day and everyone enjoyed it.

We finally got to the dams and we started to ride our bikes. We stopped at a grassy area and had our snack halfway round.  We all loved it and would like to do it again.

We had lots of helpers, Miss Watt , Craig and other helpers from Bikeability. The campus cop came to help and took us safely across the roads. A big thank you to the Fundraising  group led by Mrs Murdoch and Mrs Kaur who spent lots of time arranging this. We got sponsored for the cycle and money went towards the Solar Dome and Mindfulness garden.