Category Archives: Curricular Areas

Imaginative Writing

We have been improving our imaginative writing skills this term. In particular we challenged ourselves to use more ambitious and descriptive  vocabulary to set the scene and also to describe our characters. We also used the five points of characterisation to help us to invent more believable characters. We wrote three pieces of imaginative writing- The Lighthouse, The House in the Woods and The Blitz.

Literacy Across Learning.

We have been working on note-making skills and then using our notes to create new discursive and persuasive texts. We have found the topics really interesting and had some excellent discussions and debates in class.

During Big Writing lessons we spend time on VCOP (V- Vocabulary, C- Connctives, O-Openers and P- Punctuation .) We can then use some of the ideas to improve our writing. We have also managed to find some fabulous WOW words to incorporate into our own writing.

The literacy skills that we learn are applied across different curricular areas.

Safety in the Park

Primary 7A and B had a fantastic afternoon at Arthurlie House at the very start of term when we took part in the Safety in the Park experiential Learning Event. We moved around the various stations in our groups and took part in workshops where we  had discussions about things that we can do to help us  keep ourselves safe.

Debate at East Renfrewshire Council Offices

Today PR7A and Pr7B were invited to take part in  the Provost’s  Debate at East Renfrewshire Council Chambers. The motion being debated was-

This house believes that People Over 60 Should Continue to Receive Their Free Bus Entitlement. 

In our class Olivia proposed the motion with Paige, Aiden and Lewis along with some children in Pr7B forming the remainder of her team.

Lily was second to oppose the motion and she had Emily and Kirstie along with some children from Pr7B in her team.

We had a fantastic morning and thoroughly enjoyed the experience of being allowed to have our debate in the Council Chambers.

Both teams made some extremely relevant, interesting points during what turned into a very lively debate. At the end of the debate the motion was carried by 23 votes to 9.

Primary 7 would like to say thankyou very much to Provost Jim Fletcher for ensuring that they had such a memorable experience.

Science – IDL – Food Chains

For part of our science topic we made two posters. This linked with our literacy work and also our expressive arts work.

 One was a food chain process . We researched information using the internet and made notes about the animals in our food chain. We used scientific vocabulary to create a food chain process.

We also used our design skills to create a food chain collage using a range of media.It was a really interesting topic  and we learned a lot about animals and their habitats.  It was really fun and they turned out amazing and everyone had fun.

 Lewis – I liked the art part and I really enjoyed it.

Adrian – I liked the art when I made my Jungle food chain.

Connor-I liked the art food chain because it makes it look 3D and it was cool.


Garden Party 2nd June

Garden party

The fundraising group organised a Garden Party in Springhill and Auchenback primary school playground to raise funds to buy a Solar Dome and set up a Mindfulness Garden . It was on Friday 2nd June 2017 at 2:30- 4:30pm.

First the fundraising group was helping set up the stalls. Once the garden party had started all the people helping went to their stalls. After everyone went to their stalls the parents came to pick the children up.


There were lots of stalls here:-  coconut shy, archery, crazy golf, African stall, flower stall, raffle, face paints, wheel of fortune, bake sale, candy floss, bouncy castle, fire engine, drinks maker, bouncy slide, duck derby, hook a duck, chocolate tombola, beat the goalie, tin o' beans  and a tea room. Our class was in charge of the bouncy slides . We made posters in ICT to advertise our stall.

Emily  – It was fun to help set up and go round all the stalls.

Mia – the stalls were really good and we had lots of fun.

Connor – I enjoyed helping and going round all the stalls . I especially liked the bouncy slide.

Lewis – I enjoyed the bouncy slide and Miss Graeme’s brownies.

It was a great day the sun was out and we had lots of fun and hopefully raised lots of money. Thanks to everyone who helped us organise the Garden Party.

In literacy we wrote an invitation to the Garden Party.