Category Archives: Literacy and English

Functional Writing: Instructions 2

This week we finished off our Functional Writing topic on Instructions. We have been learning to logically organise steps and information and to use a variety of connectives to join them together. Today we tied our learning in Writing to Technologies where we developed our understanding of food preparation by using different resources to make Ice Lollies from fruit juices. After that we wrote a set of instructions based on what we had learned to do.



“They were delicious!” – Paige

RME Assembly

Over the last few weeks we have been learning about celebrations in different religions. To do this we looked at weddings and the various aspects of these celebrations in Christianity, Islam and Judaism. We tied our learning in RME to other curricular areas e.g. Technologies where we designed and built window frames.



We also used Weddings as our topic for our work in Expressive Arts. As part of this, with Primary 2 we turned our frames into stained glass windows just like you might see in a cathedral.



We then learned the song ‘Love Story’ by Taylor Swift and prepared and performed a drama of a Christian Wedding at our learning and teaching assembly.



“It was really good fun and amazing!” – Emily


“I really enjoyed preparing and performing the drama of a Christian wedding.” – Lewis

Functional Writing: Instructions



This week we started looking at instructions as part of our writing. To do this we played board games in groups and wrote down a set of instructions explaining what resources we needed and how to play the game. Later we changed groups and used the instructions left for us to try and play the next game, then we left the group feedback on their instructions using our success criteria.


“I learned how to write instructions. It was really fun playing the games and writing instructions.” – Kenzie