Category Archives: Health & Wellbeing

Safety in the Park

Primary Seven went on a school trip to Arthurlie Park for an educational event called Safety in the Park.
Safety in the Park is an event to teach young children about drugs, road safety, law and your health and wellbeing. It included activities which warned you about electricity, fire safety and cyber safety.
The children were split into groups of five to six people and each group attended certain activities at various times.
At one of the main activities which taught children a lesson about ‘stranger danger’, many people followed. One member of staff dressed as a ‘stranger’, advised that children should follow her. Little did some children know, there was a policeman observing the whole scenario, and then explained to the children why they should not have followed the woman.
The stations were all there to help us to make sensible and safe choices

1 Drink Station: David  “this station taught me how horrible and dizzy you could end up feeling if you drink alcohol”. Here we got to try out ‘Beer Goggle’ to see how alcohol can affect your vision.
2 Stranger Danger: Katie  “I felt embarrassed that I followed the lady who didn’t have any identification. It was very easy to be convinced by somebody who we shouldn’t have been trusting”.
3 Rethink your drink : We discussed good drinks and bad drinks for people and how some drinks are a little deceitful with their advertising. Thomas “I was surprised by how much sugar was in Diet Coke and Coca Cola Life”
5 Community Safety: Here we discussed dog fouling, graffiti and the penalties these can bring about. Ben “It surprised me that you could get fined up to £500 for dog fouling!”
6 Road Safety : Stacey “it is often presumed that it is the driver’s fault in a bike accident, but quite often it might be the cyclist’s fault”.
7 Cyber Safety: At this station, we learned about how easy it is for information to be revealed online, without you realising you are doing it. Online activity can be very dangerous and this station raised the awareness of many of us. William “even the smallest detail can reveal so much about your life that you don’t realise”

After our day at Safety in the Park, as a class we feel that we will all try and make sensible and safe decisions.
Remember to never feel pressured to try these things. Be smart and be responsible!


Barrhead High School – PE Transition Visit

Pr 7a and Pr7b were invited to take part in a PE lesson at Barrhead High School. After we got changed  we started our Basketbal lesson with Mr Russell. We played games in teams of four and applied dribbling, passing, marking and shooting skills throughout the session. It was a brilliant and we can’t wait until we are back for our next visit.



Dounans Residential Trip

The pupils of Primary 7 had a fantastic week at Dounans Outdoor Centre in Aberfoyle from Monday 12th March -Friday 16th March. The activities, which included, Leap of Faith, Catwalk, Raft Building, Burn Scramble, Archery, Hill walk, Living Outdoors, Night Line and Orienteering were challenging but great fun. All of the pupils were so proud of what they managed to achieve throughout the week.    


In literacy, we have been discussing the book Wonder. It tells the story of a boy called August who has a facial disfigurement and about his life at home and at school. The book is very powerful and emotional, it discusses topics about friendship, love and loyalty. Throughout the book, Mr Brown (Auggie’s English Teacher) writes a precept for each day, like “When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind.”

Safety in the Park

Primary 7A and B had a fantastic afternoon at Arthurlie House at the very start of term when we took part in the Safety in the Park experiential Learning Event. We moved around the various stations in our groups and took part in workshops where we  had discussions about things that we can do to help us  keep ourselves safe.

Garden Party 2nd June

Garden party

The fundraising group organised a Garden Party in Springhill and Auchenback primary school playground to raise funds to buy a Solar Dome and set up a Mindfulness Garden . It was on Friday 2nd June 2017 at 2:30- 4:30pm.

First the fundraising group was helping set up the stalls. Once the garden party had started all the people helping went to their stalls. After everyone went to their stalls the parents came to pick the children up.


There were lots of stalls here:-  coconut shy, archery, crazy golf, African stall, flower stall, raffle, face paints, wheel of fortune, bake sale, candy floss, bouncy castle, fire engine, drinks maker, bouncy slide, duck derby, hook a duck, chocolate tombola, beat the goalie, tin o' beans  and a tea room. Our class was in charge of the bouncy slides . We made posters in ICT to advertise our stall.

Emily  – It was fun to help set up and go round all the stalls.

Mia – the stalls were really good and we had lots of fun.

Connor – I enjoyed helping and going round all the stalls . I especially liked the bouncy slide.

Lewis – I enjoyed the bouncy slide and Miss Graeme’s brownies.

It was a great day the sun was out and we had lots of fun and hopefully raised lots of money. Thanks to everyone who helped us organise the Garden Party.

In literacy we wrote an invitation to the Garden Party.



Bikeability2 training March to June

Bikeability 2 

We have been doing Bikeability since March with P6b.

The Barrhead Cycle centre checked out all our bikes.

First we did some sessions in the playground where we learned how to perform an M check – to make sure our bikes were roadworthy.

We learned how to carry out a safe start plus the safe stop. Then we did the fast race and the slow race to improve control also we did an emergency stop.

After that we learned how to do left turn, right turn and a U-turn and we did overtaking a parked car. (We used cones as a car.)

Next we went out on the road for a few weeks using Tinto Drive and Pentland road. We practised other manoeuvres:- passing a side road, left turns, safe stop etc.

We had Craig helping from Bikeability Scotland and Mrs Burns and Mr Ogilvie helped during on road training. A big thanks to them.

We also learned about road safety, road signs and the highway code and sat a theory test. Our final assessment was on the 8th June – we hope we did well.

Ross – Bikeability is fun and gets us outside in the fresh air.

Kenzie – I have enjoyed Bikeability, I have improved my cycling skills.

Jamie – It is interesting to learn the correct signals.