Bikeability2 training March to June

Bikeability 2 

We have been doing Bikeability since March with P6b.

The Barrhead Cycle centre checked out all our bikes.

First we did some sessions in the playground where we learned how to perform an M check – to make sure our bikes were roadworthy.

We learned how to carry out a safe start plus the safe stop. Then we did the fast race and the slow race to improve control also we did an emergency stop.

After that we learned how to do left turn, right turn and a U-turn and we did overtaking a parked car. (We used cones as a car.)

Next we went out on the road for a few weeks using Tinto Drive and Pentland road. We practised other manoeuvres:- passing a side road, left turns, safe stop etc.

We had Craig helping from Bikeability Scotland and Mrs Burns and Mr Ogilvie helped during on road training. A big thanks to them.

We also learned about road safety, road signs and the highway code and sat a theory test. Our final assessment was on the 8th June – we hope we did well.

Ross – Bikeability is fun and gets us outside in the fresh air.

Kenzie – I have enjoyed Bikeability, I have improved my cycling skills.

Jamie – It is interesting to learn the correct signals.

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