Barrhead Cluster Badminton Big Hit Festival 31/1/17

The Big Hit Badminton Festival 

On Tuesday 31st January 2017 P6a and P6b went to the Foundry on a bus to the badminton big hit festival.When we got there we went in to the gym hall where Carlibar and Cross Arthurlie  and other cluster schools were already there. We were split into groups then we went and did different activities e.g:- Clear the Court ,Coast to Coast, Chaos, Nettie Badminton, Relay Race.

We did around 10 activities in a carousel. We also met the mascot Nessie, everyone  was crowding him to get high fives. Later we did even more activities and practised our forehand and backhand shots and tried to get them in hoops.

Finally all the schools gathered together and we said thank you to everyone and they gave us Big Hit wristbands. Afterwards we were mostly tired and we travelled back home on the bus.

A big thank you to Mr McGunnigle for organising the event for us with Badminton Scotland.

Kenzie – ” the event was really fun and tired us out”.

Lewis – ” we learned new skills , like how to serve using backhand and forehand shots”.

Connor – ” I discovered I was better at badminton than I thought.”
