Expressive Arts -P6 / P3 Assembly -The chocolate room

We worked collaboratively with P3 on creating props and artwork for our joint assembly.  We looked at images of the chocolate room from the movies based on  the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  We had been learning about Roald Dahl  when celebrating 100 years since his birth. We thought about colour and form then created our own paintings.

P3 chose their 3 favourites which we used during our class assembly.

Thomas – I made my chocolate room nice and colourful and was really happy it was chosen.

George – My chocolate room was designed to look like the one in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie.

Kirstie – My chocolate room came  partly from the movie version and some of my own ideas.


Scottish Parliament – Social Studies

On 19th September  our local MSP Tom Arthur came to visit the two primary six classes . Mr Arthur is the MSP for Renfrewshire South.  We had written a formal letter to Mr Arthur inviting him to come to our school. We prepared questions to ask about the Scottish Parliament and about his job as an MSP. Everyone in P6 had the chance to ask a question.

Lily – It was fascinating to hear all the different things he had to do as part of his job.

Jamie – We learned a lot about the Parliament building in Edinburgh.

Olivia – His answers to our questions were very interesting.

p6b-004             p6b-005

Numeracy – Scale drawing

We drew a line drawing of a boat using a grid.  We then used a larger grid to upscale our drawings to A3 size. We then painted our boats in the style of the artist Claude Monet.

We looked at the map of the Scilly isles and we used the grid system to create a larger version of the map. We worked in groups to draw and paint our enlarged maps. We will use this to record our personal points each week , our boats will sail around the Scilly Isles.

Connor  – I enjoyed painting the sea scape, using different colours to create the effect of movement.

Kenzie – I enjoyed the challenge of up scaling the boat from A4 to A3

Mia – I enjoyed mixing the paints to create different shades to create the effect of the sea and sky.

p6a-017 boat seascapeseascape