Functional Writing: Instructions



This week we started looking at instructions as part of our writing. To do this we played board games in groups and wrote down a set of instructions explaining what resources we needed and how to play the game. Later we changed groups and used the instructions left for us to try and play the next game, then we left the group feedback on their instructions using our success criteria.


“I learned how to write instructions. It was really fun playing the games and writing instructions.” – Kenzie

Artist Study: Andy Warhol

Emily and Paige
Emily and Paige


In Primary 5a we have been learning about Pop Art and Andy Warhol as part of our Art lessons. We started by finding out about his life and work, before looking at pieces of his artwork to identify his style e.g. repetition and his use of colour. Using what we learnt about his style we then started to create our own pieces of art.


“We got to make our artwork using things that we see every day or people that everyone knows. I liked it a lot” – Adrian