Spelling Bee


In class we have been focusing on our spelling and taking part in a class Spelling Bee Challenge. We have been practising our spelling words in lots of different ways and trying to apply spelling rules in our writing. Throughout the term we have been getting points for interesting and ambitious sentences, class challenges and for completing our homework tasks to a high standard.

Well Done Emma F who was crowned our Spelling Bee champion.

Emma always tries to write interesting sentences and we have used her sentences during our class writing challenges. By practising our spelling regularly we will be able to apply this to our writing.



Novel Study- Setting

In class we have been reading the Nowhere Emporium by Ross Mackenzie which is set in Glasgow. We have been analysing techniques writers use to create interesting characters and settings.  Ross Mackenzie uses alliteration, similes and metaphors to bring his mysterious setting to life. We successfully used alliteration and metaphors to describe the Scottish Parliament building and Adam & Christopher confidently performed them during our National Poetry Day assembly. We  will be using similes and metaphors to create mysterious settings and characters within our writing.

There we stood at the base of the beautiful sight,

While the shimmering sum shone on our delight

Then we swooped into the big black site

As fast as a swift kite

 We weaved through the dark damp stone cold corridors

We felt like we were in a tomb

We were surely coming to our doom.

Extract from Light & Dark by Adam


 The sunlight was as bright and hot as the Sahara desert

We stood before the big bold building and its deep dark shadow

We entered the colossus structure like a cheetah on a chase

 Extract from the Elements of the Parliament by Christopher

 We created silhouette pictures of the Nowhere Emporium based on the description within the book.   We used dark paper and bright tissue to help us create a mysterious setting.

I chose a pink background and the black building because it looks exciting and a bit scary  Bille Joe


Solar System Scale Drawing

We created scale drawings of the planets found within the Solar System. We used compasses to draw the planets based on their reduced radius. We used a website which scaled down the sun to 10,000cm (10m) which allowed  us to work out the reduced diameter of the other planets.  If the sun is  10m in diameter then Earth would be 4. 2 cm.   We used our knowledge of the properties  of circles   and our measure skills to help us create a  scale drawing of our Solar System.

I liked   drawing the planets because it  was a bit of art mixed in with maths. Ryan

I can now identify the diameter and radius of a circle.  Julia

I enjoyed having the option of working with a peer because Jupiter was so big.





We created a line drawing using shape analysis. First we analysed a variety of portraits and discussed  different shapes we could see.  We then analysed the proportions of our faces and we discovered  that our eyes are actually located in the middle of our heads.  Our eyes are an eye space apart as well as the tops of our ears.  We used an oval shape for our head and our eyes were an almond shape.

We were successful at creating portraits using shape analysis. We will apply this skill to our future drawings.

I feel I was successful because I used shape analysis to create a life like portrait  Emma B

MP Visit

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Our local MP Kirsten Oswald, who represents East Renfrewshire Council, visited our class  on Wednesday the 23rd of September.

First we wrote a formal letter to  Mrs Oswald inviting her to visit the class. We used persuasive  and formal language  within our letters.

Next we created open ended questions to ask Mrs Oswald to  help us learn  more information about her role as an MP.

Mrs Oswald  informed us about the history of the Scottish Parliament and told us about the election process. We then asked Mrs Oswald  our questions  whilst we took notes.

Using our notes  and the key information we created a 3 paragraph personal profile.

We  will be able to apply these skills in our future working life.

Throughout the visit we ensured that we showed Mrs Oswald respect and  that we are responsible for our learning.

Our Targets



Welcome to Primary 6a. We have been using the gridline technique to  enlarge a picture for our class personal points chart. We all had to vote for our favourite picture and Adam’s entry was selected. Together we made modifications to the design and then in our groups enlarged the picture. We identified our own personal targets to help create a good learning environment.

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