Category Archives: Science

Inheritance – Making Reebops

Both Primary 7 classes worked together to create these amazing reebops. The reebop has inherited characteristics from each of its parents. We were amazed at the differences in our finished reebops and we enjoyed naming them.

Candle Making

P7 created their own candles. We learned that when wax is heated it melts and if you add crayons you can colour your candle. The wax was poured into a mould and then we had to be very patient while it cooled. As it cooled the wax became a solid again. We repeated this process to make different coloured layers of wax.

Buoyancy- Boat Challenge

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As part of our science topic on Buoyancy we were challenged to design a boat using recycled materials. Our boats also had to be able to hold a cargo. Some of us worked as part of a group and others chose to work independently. We really enjoyed designing the boats and sharing the finished boats with our peers.

Solar System Scale Drawing

We created scale drawings of the planets found within the Solar System. We used compasses to draw the planets based on their reduced radius. We used a website which scaled down the sun to 10,000cm (10m) which allowed  us to work out the reduced diameter of the other planets.  If the sun is  10m in diameter then Earth would be 4. 2 cm.   We used our knowledge of the properties  of circles   and our measure skills to help us create a  scale drawing of our Solar System.

I liked   drawing the planets because it  was a bit of art mixed in with maths. Ryan

I can now identify the diameter and radius of a circle.  Julia

I enjoyed having the option of working with a peer because Jupiter was so big.

