Category Archives: Literacy

Debating at East Renfrewshire Headquarters

The children of Primary 7 were invited by Provost Carmichael to hold a debate in the council chambers on Monday 10th October.

The pupils took on different roles. Some were councillors, some were members of the media and others were members of the public sitting in the gallery.

The motion that: “All children living in East Renfrewshire and in fulltime education should have free access to sports facilities in East Renfrewshire ” generated a lively debate and Councillor Robertson helped us to keep the debate moving.

At the end of the debate Provost Carmichael held a vote which was very close with the motion being defeated by 18 votes to 17 votes. We had a brilliant time and managed to use many of the persuasive literacy techniques that we have been developing in class.

Well done, everyone!


Cherry Blosson

We have been learning Mandarin based on our previous lessons

Our main focus has been Mandarin characters we have been able to create our own Mandarin characters for example fire + mountain = volcano

and one person + another one = following. We recently went down to P2 and P4 and showed our presentations about mandarin.

I enjoyed one symbol + another symbol = another symbol


I enjoyed showing off our mandarin skills to P2 and P4


There once was a皇帝 go-wan who lived near the大山Dàshān near 山shān the was a 森林Sēnlín and in森林Sēnlín there was a熊貓Xióngmāo the had a best-friend his friend was a 人Rén their favourite food is白饭 mi

and Zhú竹.One night when the 亮Yuèliàng was shining really bright the皇帝 go-wan  got lost in the森林 Sēnlín

BY Codi, EmmaB, Olivia, Sophie

One day I went to a  big大Dà zoo.  In the zoo I saw an animal.  It was big (da) and it was white白色Báisè and  黑色Hēisè 。 I asked my沉默Chénmò.What is that? My Chénmò said it was a panda( Shumao).  It was eating竹

竹Zhú.It began to climb up a 绿色的树Lǜsè de shù .

by Julia, Racheal, Amy, EmmaF,Breanne

We utilised our ICT skills to create animations based on our short stories.


We will be able to use these skills in the future to help us communicate with Chinese people and in some jobs being bilingual is an asset.



Diary of a Victorian Child


In Primary 6  we are learning how to  write a diary recount. We watched a variety of videos about Victorian children and the difficult jobs they had to do.  We took notes to help  us support and structure our writing.

In order to create a successful recount we had  to write using:

  • First person
  • Past tense
  • Include self reflections
  • Write in character
  • Use the correct format
  • Proper sentences

We also enhanced our writing by using Victorian vocabulary for example:

Pea soupers- fog

Daddles- hands

Door knockers- beard

Collie shangles- quarrel/fight

Chukkaboo- friends


My recount was successful because  I used  first person, past tense and imagery to describe what my character was feeling.


My recount was successful because I got into character and included feeling sentences

Emma B


I was successful because I now know what it would be like to be a Victorian child.

Codi Leigh

We will use these writing techniques to enhance our  writing.

This research and writing process made us realise how different life was for children during the Victorian period and  makes us realize how lucky we are.   We are very happy that laws were put in place to improve everyones life and health and wellbeing ( we wouldn’t be writing a recount  if we were in Victorian times instead  we would be in the mines , factories or the workhouse.)


October 24th 1865

Dear Diary

I live in a small flat in Glasgow. I live with my family. I have nine brothers and five sisters. My name is Tobi, I am 10 years old and we are very poor.  I have to work to help my family.

My job is working in the coal mines and it is a very hard job. Everyday I wake up 3 o clock in the morning and walk to work which starts at 4 o’clock. I get paid only 5 shillings a day which isn’t a lot.  My master’s name is John Stevens and he is a horrible bully.  I am a putter which means you have to push heavy trucks of coal in the mines. It is very hard working in the mines. once I  feel asleep in the mines and  got caught by the master. I did not mean to but because it was so dark it just happened. The master whipped me until I bled. Another time I ate my lunch in the mines and again I got caught. This time I got whipped even more. My lunch was only a slice of bread. I hate my master. He has a huge door knocker which is as dark as demons.

Being a putter  is such a hard job for a nine year old like me. I am sad and angry and I get scared in the mines being all alone I want a better education and that’s were school comes in handy. I am getting more lonely and depressed. Now when I get up for work my back feels like it is going to break and I need something to help me get up in the morning.  I have scratches all over my body and I feel like I am dying. My mum died two days ago and I am distraught about the death.  My brothers and sisters tried to help her but it was too late she was only 39 years old when she died. I want to be free of this pain.      

Yours faithfully


By Lewis




Tartan Day-29th January 2016


Tomorrow our school will be celebrating  Robert Burns day by hosting a Tartan Day and a Celebrating Scotland Assembly.

We have  been learning My Hoggie  by Robert Burns and also a Scottish song  called Sands O’ the Shore.

We all had to learn  two stanzas each, Scots language and how to perform using expression.  We have been learning how to perform the poem using rhythm also.

Spelling Bee


In class we have been focusing on our spelling and taking part in a class Spelling Bee Challenge. We have been practising our spelling words in lots of different ways and trying to apply spelling rules in our writing. Throughout the term we have been getting points for interesting and ambitious sentences, class challenges and for completing our homework tasks to a high standard.

Well Done Emma F who was crowned our Spelling Bee champion.

Emma always tries to write interesting sentences and we have used her sentences during our class writing challenges. By practising our spelling regularly we will be able to apply this to our writing.



Novel Study- Setting

In class we have been reading the Nowhere Emporium by Ross Mackenzie which is set in Glasgow. We have been analysing techniques writers use to create interesting characters and settings.  Ross Mackenzie uses alliteration, similes and metaphors to bring his mysterious setting to life. We successfully used alliteration and metaphors to describe the Scottish Parliament building and Adam & Christopher confidently performed them during our National Poetry Day assembly. We  will be using similes and metaphors to create mysterious settings and characters within our writing.

There we stood at the base of the beautiful sight,

While the shimmering sum shone on our delight

Then we swooped into the big black site

As fast as a swift kite

 We weaved through the dark damp stone cold corridors

We felt like we were in a tomb

We were surely coming to our doom.

Extract from Light & Dark by Adam


 The sunlight was as bright and hot as the Sahara desert

We stood before the big bold building and its deep dark shadow

We entered the colossus structure like a cheetah on a chase

 Extract from the Elements of the Parliament by Christopher

 We created silhouette pictures of the Nowhere Emporium based on the description within the book.   We used dark paper and bright tissue to help us create a mysterious setting.

I chose a pink background and the black building because it looks exciting and a bit scary  Bille Joe


MP Visit

DSC00510 (2)

Our local MP Kirsten Oswald, who represents East Renfrewshire Council, visited our class  on Wednesday the 23rd of September.

First we wrote a formal letter to  Mrs Oswald inviting her to visit the class. We used persuasive  and formal language  within our letters.

Next we created open ended questions to ask Mrs Oswald to  help us learn  more information about her role as an MP.

Mrs Oswald  informed us about the history of the Scottish Parliament and told us about the election process. We then asked Mrs Oswald  our questions  whilst we took notes.

Using our notes  and the key information we created a 3 paragraph personal profile.

We  will be able to apply these skills in our future working life.

Throughout the visit we ensured that we showed Mrs Oswald respect and  that we are responsible for our learning.