Category Archives: Expressive Arts

Candle Making

P7 created their own candles. We learned that when wax is heated it melts and if you add crayons you can colour your candle. The wax was poured into a mould and then we had to be very patient while it cooled. As it cooled the wax became a solid again. We repeated this process to make different coloured layers of wax.

William Morris String Prints

This week we created a string print tile based on our William Morris artwork.

We used paper, cardboard and string.

To create the tiles we had to first simplify our design. Next we drew our simple design onto the cardboard

We measured around our design using the string and then stuck it down using PVA glue.

We needed to take our time during this process and concentrate fully on the task.

We then created prints using our tiles and selected complimentary colours.

Click on the video link below



William Morris Artwork

We have been learning about the Victorian designer William Morris. Our Learning Intention was to replicate the style of William Morris.

We looked at examples of William Morris’ wallpaper and identified the key features

The key features are:

  • Nature focus e.g.  birds and flowers
  • Natural and muted colours
  • Simple but ornate design
  • Create a sense of movement

We decided to go outside and take photographs of nature which we then used to help us create effective designs.

We worked in team to take striking photographs of nature.

 I enjoyed taking photographs outside


I like our photo because the flower is about to blossom and there are raindrops on the leaves

Emma F

We all discovered that we enjoy being outside and exploring nature.

We are going to create a printing tile to allow us to create our wallpaper.

Life of a Victorian Child

Primary 6 have been learning about life in the Victorian period. We have been researching about  what life was like for Victorian children.  Poor children were not allowed to go to school instead they had to work in a variety of jobs.  One of the jobs poor children had to do was sweep the chimneys. Often orphans had to do this job because they were sold to chimney sweeps. They were able to do this job because they were small and thin and could  climb up the chimneys.

We imagined how the children must feel doing such a difficult job and agreed that it must have been a very hard and lonely life.

Using our art skills we created pictures to reflect the emotions felt by a lonely chimney sweep. We used shape analysis to create effective silhouettes and  then drew them onto a background we had painted using watercolours. We chose to do a night sky to show how lonely and hard the job must be.

I chose to use pastels to create the silhouette of the chimney sweep on top of the watercolour background. I drew only one chimney sweep to show how lonely he is.


We all successfully created art which reflects the feelings of a Victorian working child.

We are going to use our research to create a diary and a poem about Victorian life.

Click on the link below to watch us create our pictures



Tartan Day-29th January 2016


Tomorrow our school will be celebrating  Robert Burns day by hosting a Tartan Day and a Celebrating Scotland Assembly.

We have  been learning My Hoggie  by Robert Burns and also a Scottish song  called Sands O’ the Shore.

We all had to learn  two stanzas each, Scots language and how to perform using expression.  We have been learning how to perform the poem using rhythm also.

Starry Starry Night

In Primary 6 we have been analysing the artwork of Vincent Van Gogh. In particular we have focused on his famous painting Starry Starry night.

We were challenged to use similar techniques used by the artist. We used a variety of media to create our own version of the famous painting.

We used curved lines for the wind, short straight lines for the sky and hatching for the buildings and the foreground.

I enjoyed using different brush strokes to create my painting


I enjoyed using curved lines to represent the wind blowing


Primary 6a Christmas Carols



As part of our music and enterprise  project  P6 have been learning to perform a number of Christmas Carols.  We chose to perform We Three Kings, Silent Night & Winter Wonderland. First we had to  learn the words to the songs and to perform them practising the correct pitch. We  decided to sing  the beginning of Silent Night in Polish and Julia taught us  the words .  We  also chose to sing  We Three Kings a cappella style  which means without  music.

We developed our singing skills, our expressive art skills and ICT skills to produce CDs to sell at the Christmas Fayre. We are hoping to raise as much money as possible for the school. Each CD costs only £2.50 and will ensure that everyone has a lovely festive period.

Please come along to the Christmas Fayre on Saturday the 5th of December to purchase our fantastic festive CD. If you can’t come you can purchase one from the  school.

Have a listen to one our tracks.

I felt that I improved my singing skills and enjoyed singing together. Emma B

I feel more confident about how to utilise ICT to create  a CD cover





Novel Study- Setting

In class we have been reading the Nowhere Emporium by Ross Mackenzie which is set in Glasgow. We have been analysing techniques writers use to create interesting characters and settings.  Ross Mackenzie uses alliteration, similes and metaphors to bring his mysterious setting to life. We successfully used alliteration and metaphors to describe the Scottish Parliament building and Adam & Christopher confidently performed them during our National Poetry Day assembly. We  will be using similes and metaphors to create mysterious settings and characters within our writing.

There we stood at the base of the beautiful sight,

While the shimmering sum shone on our delight

Then we swooped into the big black site

As fast as a swift kite

 We weaved through the dark damp stone cold corridors

We felt like we were in a tomb

We were surely coming to our doom.

Extract from Light & Dark by Adam


 The sunlight was as bright and hot as the Sahara desert

We stood before the big bold building and its deep dark shadow

We entered the colossus structure like a cheetah on a chase

 Extract from the Elements of the Parliament by Christopher

 We created silhouette pictures of the Nowhere Emporium based on the description within the book.   We used dark paper and bright tissue to help us create a mysterious setting.

I chose a pink background and the black building because it looks exciting and a bit scary  Bille Joe