
Cherry Blosson

We have been learning Mandarin based on our previous lessons

Our main focus has been Mandarin characters we have been able to create our own Mandarin characters for example fire + mountain = volcano

and one person + another one = following. We recently went down to P2 and P4 and showed our presentations about mandarin.

I enjoyed one symbol + another symbol = another symbol


I enjoyed showing off our mandarin skills to P2 and P4


There once was a皇帝 go-wan who lived near the大山Dàshān near 山shān the was a 森林Sēnlín and in森林Sēnlín there was a熊貓Xióngmāo the had a best-friend his friend was a 人Rén their favourite food is白饭 mi

and Zhú竹.One night when the 亮Yuèliàng was shining really bright the皇帝 go-wan  got lost in the森林 Sēnlín

BY Codi, EmmaB, Olivia, Sophie

One day I went to a  big大Dà zoo.  In the zoo I saw an animal.  It was big (da) and it was white白色Báisè and  黑色Hēisè 。 I asked my沉默Chénmò.What is that? My Chénmò said it was a panda( Shumao).  It was eating竹

竹Zhú.It began to climb up a 绿色的树Lǜsè de shù .

by Julia, Racheal, Amy, EmmaF,Breanne

We utilised our ICT skills to create animations based on our short stories.


We will be able to use these skills in the future to help us communicate with Chinese people and in some jobs being bilingual is an asset.



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