Primary 6a Christmas Carols



As part of our music and enterprise  project  P6 have been learning to perform a number of Christmas Carols.  We chose to perform We Three Kings, Silent Night & Winter Wonderland. First we had to  learn the words to the songs and to perform them practising the correct pitch. We  decided to sing  the beginning of Silent Night in Polish and Julia taught us  the words .  We  also chose to sing  We Three Kings a cappella style  which means without  music.

We developed our singing skills, our expressive art skills and ICT skills to produce CDs to sell at the Christmas Fayre. We are hoping to raise as much money as possible for the school. Each CD costs only £2.50 and will ensure that everyone has a lovely festive period.

Please come along to the Christmas Fayre on Saturday the 5th of December to purchase our fantastic festive CD. If you can’t come you can purchase one from the  school.

Have a listen to one our tracks.

I felt that I improved my singing skills and enjoyed singing together. Emma B

I feel more confident about how to utilise ICT to create  a CD cover





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