Category Archives: Social Studies

Martin Niemöller Poems

As part of our Holocaust work, we looked at Martin Niemöller’s poem and we made our own poems in the same style as he did. We thought of common issues in the 21st Century and the importance of  speaking out when things are wrong in the world we live in. We are proud of our poems and the teacher chose our poems we hope you like them. By Archie and Callum.

They Came

They came for the strangers.

I did nothing.

Because I don’t know them


They came for my friends.

I did nothing.

Because I was scared.


They came for my neighbours.

I did nothing.

Because it wasn’t me.


They came for my family.

I couldn’t do anything.

No one would help.


Then they came for me.

NOBODY did anything.

I was alone.

By Archie


Punch, Kick, Punch, Kick

Black and blue all over

We all just watched

Every day it just got worse

Every day we did nothing, afraid that would be us


By Callum