AAC Apps

SnapScene –  New app from Tobii Dynavox – take your picture, draw your button, record, label, done!

Pictello – make up stories for the AAC user to read and share, mine uses this for Show and Tell

Kid in Story – similar to Pictello but you can add the AAC user’s picture into the book (this can be motivating)

Explain Everything – helpful app to allow you creativity for adding to different apps, it lets you highlight words and record voices

GoTalkNow – you can buy the communication pages to go along with this but even if you don’t it can be a good way to share a lot of information before the communication device is being used fluently.

Scene Speak  – provides a framework on the iPad to create visual scene displays. This application allows an image can be edited with active “sound areas” that can be selected and used as a means of communication