Should the school be closed due to severe weather conditions, NQ students will be able to continue their studies for the written element of the Hospitality, Fashion and Textile Technology and Practical Cake Craft courses using both the departmental webpage and more specifically the links below.
In addition it is recommended that candidates use the notes issued to them in class which will focus specific exam topics. The following links will take you to the SQA website where past papers can be completed under exam conditions; marking instructions to check your answers are also available on the same webpage.
National 5 Practical Cake Craft
National 5 Fashion and Textile Technology
Higher Fashion and Textile Technology
S1-S3 Store Cupboard Challenge!
During severe weather, food supplies are not always able to reach the shops. Pupils are encouraged to set themselves the challenge of preparing a meal for their family that can be made using what they have in their fridge and store cupboard. Remember to take photos!