This is a practical course and aims to provide the development of techniques and skills required for food production, retail and the Hospitality industries. The aims of the course are to enable learners to:
- Use a range of cookery skills, food preparation techniques and cookery processes when following a recipe.
- Select and use ingredients to produce and garnish or decorate dishes. Develop an understanding of ingredients and there uses and awareness of responsible sourcing.
- Develop an awareness of current dietary advice relating to the use of ingredients.
- Work safely and hygienically.
The majority of lessons will be of a practical nature building organisational techniques and cooking skills. You will have to plan, make and prepare dishes with consideration of the function and sustainability of ingredients in relation to dietary health.
National 4
The assessment of the Units in this Course will be as follows:
Cookery Skills, Techniques and Processes (National 4)
- cookery skills, food preparation techniques and ability to follow cookery processes in the preparation of dishes
- ability to work safely and hygienically
Understanding and Using Ingredients (National 4)
- apply their understanding of a range of ingredients
- select appropriate ingredients and use them in the preparation of dishes
- work safely and hygienically
Organisational Skills for Cooking (National 4)
- follow recipes and implement a time plan to produce dishes
- carry out an evaluation of the dishes
Added Value Unit
National 4 will be assessed in an Added Value Unit where pupils will prepare a two course meal.
National 5
Course assessment structure: question paper
Question paper 30 marks
This question paper gives candidates an opportunity to demonstrate the following knowledge, understanding and skills:
- the principles of selecting and using food preparation equipment
- the principles of successful weighing and measuring
- understanding cookery processes and food preparation techniques
- understanding ingredients, their characteristics, and the importance of sustainability
- knowledge and application of current dietary advice
- knowledge of the application of the principles of food safety and hygiene
- costing recipes
- evaluation of presentation, taste or texture of dishes
The question paper has a total mark allocation of 30 marks. This is 25% of the overall marks for the course assessment.
Course assessment structure: assignment and practical activity
Assignment 18 marks
Practical activity 82 marks
The assignment and practical activity are inter-related and will be assessed using one activity. Candidates will carry out one task — planning and producing a meal — which will provide evidence for both components.
The purpose of this is to assess candidates’ ability to plan, prepare and present a three-course meal to a given specification within a given timescale. A brief specifies the three dishes to be produced.
The assignment and practical activity is conducted in two stages:
Stage 1: planning (assignment)
Stage 2: implementing (practical activity)
The assignment and practical activity together have a total mark allocation of 100 marks. This is 75% of the overall marks for course assessment.
- Hospitality industry:- chef, front of house, Hospitality management
- Food retail
- Environmental health
- Catering
- Teaching
- Dietician
- Food production and marketing