All posts by Miss Vannini

Developing the Young Workforce in Scottish Studies

Today, as part of our S3 Scottish Studies unit on Crime and the Law, pupils had the opportunity to ask questions to our campus police officer PC Karen to learn about the role of the police in preventing crime.  Pupils also learned about  the skills, qualities and qualifications necessary to be successful in a career with Police Scotland.


Fairtrade launch



Over the years, the Woodfarm Fairtrade committee has worked very hard to protect the rights of workers across the world.  As part of our Fairtrade committee we have promoted Fairtrade, organised whole school events and sold products at parent evenings.  If you would like to be a part of our Fairtrade committee please come along to room 2.3 RME on Thursdays at lunch time.

We look forward to seeing you there!

S2 Islam Speakers in RME

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This week we have had representatives from the local Muslim community in to speak to S2 pupils about their faith in Islam.  This opportunity has allowed pupils to ask questions and participate in activities which have enhanced their understanding of the 5 Pillars of Islam and challenged stereotypes of Muslims.  Pupils will use this knowledge and further research in class to produce a report on the key beliefs and practices of Islam and their significance today.

S3 Research Skills in RME



Building on their research investigations on Martin Luther King in S1 and Islam in S2, this week our S3 RME classes worked with our school librarian Mrs Mundie to learn how to use Harvard Referencing when writing a bibliography.  Pupils will evidence their learning by completing a research project on one of the world religions of their choice from: Buddhism, Hinduism or Sikhism.

S1 Fairtrade Poster Competition

Congratulations to Abbie L in S1 for winning the S1 Fairtrade poster competition, promoting Fairtrade to our school community.  Our Fairtrade committee works to sell and promote Fairtrade products to ensure that farmers in developing countries are given fair pay for the work that they do.


S6 Micro-tyco challenge

During the month of November, S6 pupils entered the Micro-Tyco enterprise challenge and raised over £600. The competition helped students to practice and learn fundamental business principles. The teams had one month to turn £1 seed capital into as much money as possible. All money created is invested by WildHearts in micro-loans for poor entrepreneurs in the developing world. For further information please visit


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S2 Mock Election

As part of the S2 Changing Face of Scotland topic in Modern Studies pupils have been learning about elections. Pupils organised themselves into political parties, selected candidates and produced a manifesto after conducting research. Parties had a range of impressive ideas about how to improve the school and local community. On polling day the winning candidate from each class delivered a speech at a special assembly followed by a vote which was open to the whole school.

The winning candidate was from the Right Life party closely followed in second place by the candidate from Aequalis.

Well done to all pupils who participated and campaigned on behalf of their own parties.

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