All posts by Mrs Johnston

S1 campaign for change

S1 pupils participated in the UNICEF Outright campaign. Outright aims to help young people talk about their rights and pressurise the government to make change. Pupils in S1 delivered lessons to their peers on children in emergency situations and all pupils wrote a letter to the Prime Minister to share their concerns in advance of the first ever World Humanitarian Summit. The summit will try to find new ways of supporting children and families affected by emergencies such as conflict or natural disaster. We believe it is vital that the voices and views of young people are heard by decision makers.1

Mary’s Meals

Well done to Liam G and Kevin G for promoting Mary’s Meals at the recent S1 parents evening. Many children receiving Mary’s Meals don’t have basic learning tools such as pencils and notepads therefore we are collecting items to send by December.


As a Level 2 Rights Respecting School, Woodfarm High is committed to ensuring that all our young people and the school community have a thorough understanding of child rights.

Our committee plans to review our school charter to include the new S1 pupils and ensure that rights-respecting attitudes and language continue to be embedded across the school.

The committee also plans to develop global citizenship opportunities by developing links with a school in France to

promote the UNCRC. The committee will support our cluster primaries with their journey to achieve the award by presenting at assemblies and organising lesson activities.

S2 Geography – Scottish Tourism Projects

1Since August, pupils in S2 have been learning about the formation of Scottish landscapes and how they are a valuable resource to our tourism industry.  The work they have been doing in class culminated in group presentations, where the pupils took on the role of an advertising agency, tasked with ‘selling’ the Scottish landscape to international tourists.  The winning group from each S2 class went on to compete with each other, ‘Dragon’s Den’ style to find an overall winner.

Thank-you to Miss Vannini, Miss Campbell and Miss Wallace for giving up their lunchtime to judge the competition.  Well done to Aisha S, Laiba S, Shereen H and Aamna A for being voted overall winners!


All Communities Together

S3 Modern Studies pupils had an opportunity to participate in a workshop to develop their knowledge of the role of the police. Pupils were given a scenario where they had to investigate a possible terrorist incident and provide answers to questions based on the information given. The workshop encouraged debate surrounding the issue of terrorism and helped pupils understand how the police investigate real terrorist incidents.

Mary’s Meals

BACKPACK_PAGE_TEMPLATE21-150x150Woodfarm High continues to promote a rights- respecting ethos by supporting Mary’s Meals and participating in the Backpack Project. The project aims to fill backpacks with basic educational materials to send to children receiving Mary’s Meals. Most of the children who benefit have suffered war, poverty, famine, or natural disaster. You can support the charity by forwarding  items  to the Social Studies faculty.

Running Club

The faculty will be organising the running club again this year. This is an excellent opportunity to meet new people and get fit. If you would like to sign up please collect a permission form from Mr Taylor or Mrs Johnston.


Supported Study

Supported Study will begin on Thursday 24th September for all subjects. S1 will also have an opportunity to access support to prepare for assessments and complete homework on the last Thursday of every month. Please ensure the sessions are well attended.

Exam Success

It was another successful year for pupils sitting exams in Social Subjects and RMPS. The faculty had a 100% pass rate in all National 5 subjects with 79% of pupils achieving an A grade. The faculty also had a 100% pass rate in Higher History, RMPS and Geography and 98% in Modern Studies. Well done to all our pupils.