S4 Information

This page contains useful documents that will help S4 pupils and the Parents/ Carers of S4 pupils, as they progress through Fourth Year.

Please click on the links below to access to resources/ advice that are pertinent to S4 pupils.

  1. Study Skills
  2. S4 Course Outlines
  3. S4 Course Overview
  4. S4 Supported Study Summary– updated March 2023
  5. Pupil Study Plan
  6. S4 National 5 Departmental Assessment Profiles
  7. 2023 SQA Official Exam Timetable
  8. Wellbeing support for pupils and parents
  9. Five habits of an effective learner
  10. Pomodoro
  11. S4 Parent Information Evening Presentations

Kind regards,

Mrs. McCrea