Holy Week – Good Friday

Good Friday: 

Perhaps today, you could take time to read The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ as it appears in St John’s Gospel (18.1-19.42).  We may feel these are sad and difficult days, and so they are. But even more sad and difficult is to reflect on the brutal crucifixion our Lord suffered.   Let’s for a moment just recall the things that he had to endure.   He was betrayed, put on trial, whipped and lashed.  After the scourging he continued to be tortured, teased, beaten, kicked and stabbed.  Then in case that wasn’t enough, he was nailed on a cross. The pain Christ must have experienced is unimaginable. To think of our Saviour being treated in such a brutal and inhumane way is enough to bring tears to our eyes. But if we don’t move beyond the Passion we  miss the great mystery that Easter brings to our faith. Christ is the Resurrection and the Life, the Hope of a world to come and the Joy to our sorrows. We need to remember that this is not the end. In fact, it is only the beginning. Even in the darkest of times, there is the promise of new life in a kingdom of hope, rather than despair. There can be times when we feel overwhelmed by sorrow or loneliness or just the burdens and injustices of life.  What do you do?  You have to look for healing, peace, and understanding. Christ’s crucifixion, seems at first devastating, cast in darkness, but it has the promise of light and hope and life.  The Passion and Crucifixion are followed by Easter Sunday.  Today we carry the suffering of Christ in our hearts.  Come Sunday, things will be different.

 Let us Pray:

Almighty ever-living God, who through your Son, Jesus, calmed the storm and gave peace to his disciples, feel the fears of your people in this time of high anxiety, heal the sick, comfort the grieving,give courage to all medical staff and pastoral ministers, guide those in research, give wisdom to politicians, and unite all of us through the sweet balm of the Holy Spirit.

Through Christ our Lord.


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