Dressing for Excellence

It is wonderful to see so many smart pupils in shirts, ties and blazers. Thank you for your support in encouraging your child to wear school uniform. P4 to P7 should be wearing black school shoes, white shirt, school tie, grey skirt/trousers and grey/white socks. P1-3 may wear a red polo shirt and grey sweatshirt. The PE kit for the whole school is a red polo shirt, black shorts and black gym shoes. All children should wear a blazer. Sweat shirts, polo shirts, ties and blazer badges can be purchased from the school office. Jackets can be ordered next month and we will send an order form home soon. Please put your child’s name on all items of clothing so these can easily be retunrned if lost.

Uniform prices are as follows:


Sweatshirts £10

Polo Shirts £8

Ties £5

Badges £7

Lightweight Rain Jacket £10

Sunhat £5