What’s Happening at St Cadoc’s?

This week we have sent home letters about forthcoming Christmas events including the P1-3 show and the Beauty & the Beast panto. Please check under the “recent letters home” tab for any you may have missed.

On Monday 11th November we will have a minute’s silence for Armistice Day at 11am.

Parents’ Evenings are on Tuesday and Wednesday 12th & 13th November

Monday 18th November – P4 Sacramental Meeting in the Church at 7pm

Thursday 22nd November – Year of Faith Mass. P6&7 will be walking to Church for 9.30 Mass. Parent helpers are needed please!

Thursday 28th November – P1 walking to the library for 11am – Book Week Event – Parent helpers needed please!

Thursday 28th November – P7 Kilt Walk

Saturday 30th November – PSA Christmas Fair