Diana Award Winners

Many congratulations to our Junior Life Group who have been successful in gaining a Diana Award for their fundraising efforts.

The group spends a large proportion of their time organising and participating in fundraising events, the funds from such events being donated to various charities that support life at all stages. Events have included bag packs, an annual Mothers Day afternoon tea, raffles, coffee mornings and sponsored walks. Over the years the group have collected and bought many baby items that have been given to mothers in difficult circumstances. In this way, the group offers women the real opportunity to be able to provide for their child.

The Life Group is a busy group, yet it is their week in week out commitment to the Life cause that must be commended. Every Friday without fail the group meet. They pray, they learn, they socialise and they devise new fundraising ideas. All that they do is underpinned by their determination to uphold the sanctity of life.

The Diana Award is a prestigious award and the Junior Life Group members are very deserving recipients. We are proud of their achievements and the work that they have undertaken to help others.

Diana Award winners - Junior Life group