St Ninian’s Pupils Selected for Scotland

Congratulations to Katie Rice (3a5) and Lee Connelly (3a7) who have both been selected to represent Scotland at football.  They are now following in a line of current and former St Ninian’s pupils to represent Scotland this season.   Liam Runciman (4a6) was part of the U16 squad who won the Sky Sports Victory Shield in the Autum of 2013 and former pupil Andrew Robertson was rewarded for a string of outstanding performances for Dundee United with caps for the U21 team.

Katie has been selected in the U15 Scottish School Girls squad.  Last year she was part of the U14 Scotland squad who won the prestigious Bob Docherty trophy.  Katie even scored the winning goal in a 3-1 victory versus England!

Lee has been selected in the Scottish U15 football team who are taking part in an international tournament in Turkey from 22 to 29 February. 

Both Lee and Katie proudly represent St Ninian’s as often as they can and have both won silverware with their respective school teams.

In S1 Lee won the League and St Mirren Cup double and the St Mirren Cup again when in S2.  Katie was part of the U14 7-a-side team who won the Scottish Cup in 2013. 

We wish both Katie and Lee every success.