PSHE Newsletter 7th May 2018
This week in PSHE, pupils will be covering the following detailed in the PSHE Newsletter. PSHE Newsletter wb 07 05 18
This week in PSHE, pupils will be covering the following detailed in the PSHE Newsletter. PSHE Newsletter wb 07 05 18
S1 pupils should complete the form via the link below using the data from your report. Pupils must log in using their glow email (“” ).
Our S3 pupils will be heading out for their work experience on Monday 5th November- Friday 9th November 2018. Pupils will receive their packs with all the require information week beginning 7th May. Pupils should be proactive in seeking their placement. The attached PowerPoint has bee presented to all S3 students. Slides Work Experience introduction 2018
This week in PSHE, pupils will be covering the following detailed in the PSHE Newsletter. PSHE Newsletter wb 30 04 18
This week in PSHE, pupils will be covering the following detailed in the PSHE Newsletter. PSHE Newsletter wb 23 04 18
St Ninian’s High has a website dedicated to promoting positive mental health. Please use the link below to access this site.
This week in PSHE, pupils will be covering the following detailed in the PSHE Newsletter. PSHE Newsletter wb 16 04 18
Over the past few week in S6 PSHE, pupils have been completing their diploma. This week they will begin to submit this via the school website. Pastoral teachers will discuss this with pupils in class. Below are the instructions that pupils will follow: Pupils go on to “Pupil Shared Area” Click on “PSHE” Pupils go on to “Diploma 2018” Pupils click on their own respective Alpha Click on their diploma
This week in PSHE, S4-6 pupils will be involved in checking that the data to be sent to SQA is correct. Please see you pastoral teacher if you have been absent. Pupils will also receive the ‘Your Exams 2018’ SQA booklet providing all the information they need to know for their exams.
This week in PSHE, pupils will be covering the following detailed in the PSHE Newsletter. PSHE Newsletter wb 26 03 18