Scottish Medical Training Careers Fair

Scottish Medical Training Careers Fair

Saturday 12 September 2015

Scottish Exhibition Centre, Glasgow

 2 pm to 4 pm

Registration Open via:

The careers fair about medical training in Scotland


NHS Education for Scotland supported by BMJ Careers, BMA Scotland and Student BMJ are running a Scottish Medical Training Careers Fair and this year it is being opened up to senior school pupils who have a career intention or interest in medicine in the afternoon from 2 pm to 4 pm (registration 1.30 pm). The event is free to school pupils but they must book in advance.

There will be tailored seminars including ones on ‘So you are thinking about becoming a doctor’ and ‘Gaining entry to medical schools: How do you go about this’.

All 5 medical schools will be in attendance and there will be opportunities to meet with medical students, foundation doctors, trainees and trained doctors in a variety of specialties.

Pupils should book via: in order to avoid disappointment.  Pupils can bring an accompanying adult with them.



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