Vodafone Training Programme: Code Like A Girl

WANTED: Volunteer Trainers for Vodafone #CodeLikeAGirl programme

This summer, Vodafone UK will be running an extensive global training programme for GIRLS aged 14-18, to help them engage with the technology industry and encourage them to consider technology as a career path in the future.

The programme will be run throughout the 27 countries that Vodafone operates across, and as part of the programme each country will host a 4 day coding course for girls. We are looking for Vodafone colleagues with web coding experience to support the programme as volunteer trainers for the course. You don’t need to be a software developer/working in a tech team, or have taught before, but you will need to have written web code or created websites before and, of course, enjoy helping others learn.

This year the workshops will run over 3 locations:

  • Newbury (30th July – 2nd August)
  • Manchester (6th – 9th August)
  • Glasgow (13th – 16th August)

Additionally, if you are aged 14-18 and who would like to apply for a #CodeLikeAGirl workshop apply HERE.


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