Vodafone Training Programme: Code Like A Girl

WANTED: Volunteer Trainers for Vodafone #CodeLikeAGirl programme This summer, Vodafone UK will be running an extensive global training programme for GIRLS aged 14-18, to help them engage with the technology industry and encourage them to consider technology as a career path in the future. The programme will be run throughout the 27 countries that Vodafone operates across, and as part of the programme each country will host a 4 day

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Vodafone Work Experience opportunities

Vodafone has launched two work experience programmes. Here is the all the information you need: Ignite Work Experience Week What does it involve? This will provide students with the opportunity to complete a 1 week placement at one of our Vodafone offices in an area of their choice. Students will gain industry focused skills, valuable experience and develop a business network which will help to kick-start their exciting future careers!

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