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Parent and Carer Questionnaires

Mr Cumming would like to pass on his thanks for the number of questionnaires he has received from parent and carers. The responses have been overwhelmingly positive and comments made will be put to constructive use in the coming academic year. If you have received a questionnaire and have yet to return it, the deadline for completion of this programme is this Thursday 7th February.

Furthermore can we also thank all the parents that attended the S5/S6 parent’s night last Thursday. The feedback left from parents has been extremely positive thanking staff for their continuous hardwork. The commitment from parents supporting both the young people and the school has and continues to be fantastic.

New National Qualifications – Information for Parents/Carers

Please see the following information on the new National Qualifications from the National Parent Forum of Scotland (NPFS), the Association of Directors of Education in Scotland (ADES) and the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA).

There is more information on the Qualifications tab which you enter by clicking here.

NPFS and ADES Letter to Parents/Carers

NPFS Pointers for Parents

NPFS Assessments in a Nutshell

SQA CfE Parents Guide