Author Archives: Mr Kelly

Parent Voice

“Thanks for this brilliant club, she loves it, it’s well organised, interesting and engaging for them, and the staff who run it are positive and professional. See you next year!”

Paula McMahon

My son Louis has attended Saturday Sports Camp since day 1 – Easter and Summer camps were always a huge hit with him so Saturday Sports Camp became the highlight every week and not just for holidays! He has had the opportunity to take part in a variety of sports, (especially the Trampoline) and to meet new people and be part of a ‘special team of people.’
For Louis, these camps are particularly special and play an important and vital role in his development.  He has Down’s Syndrome but thanks to the wonderful staff and Young Leaders this is no boundary – Louis is fully integrated into the camps and treated equally and with the utmost respect. The staff and leaders attend to any particular additional need he may have, meanwhile providing a fabulous, ‘fit-filled’ learning environment which makes one happy, little boy able to do the same as his brothers and his friends, be fully involved, have great fun and keep healthy. Truly grateful.
The Sibille family