Parent Voice

We have two children at St Ninian’s, with our eldest in sixth year currently applying for university. Since first year she has benefitted greatly from the dedication and support of staff. Staff have encouraged and enabled her to be committed, to work hard and to achieve her maximum potential. The enthusiasm of some staff for their own subject, has at times, been inspirational. She has gained in confidence from attending after school study sessions, including during school holidays, where staff give up their time to provide support. This has resulted in excellent grades at both intermediate and higher level. Through the encouragement of staff she takes part in and helps with school activities, tutors other pupils and volunteers in the local community, all of which provides her with experiences and skills she will use throughout her career and life. We have started to see our younger child growing in confidence and feel, he too, will benefit from the same dedication, support and commitment of staff and share the same positive experiences.

Karen Quinn