Tag Archives: STEM

Breeding Bacteria

Pupils have been learning about bacteria and germs and participated in an experiment to assess the effects of a variety of conditions on bacteria growth. Underpinning this experiment was the importance of washing your hands. They used bread as a visual stimulus for this experiment.

Children will monitor and record the difference in bacteria growth over the next two weeks.

STEM with P1

P6a share their knowledge and skills with P1 on Friday when they helped them design and create 3D shapes and structures from Kapla. They worked together to help the infants problem solve, create and adapt their designs. There was a fantastic sharing of mathematical and engineering language.

App design

P6a are very excited to be participating in the Make it Happen competition. Today they brainstormed ideas and created a brief outline of their app’s storyline. They created a title, logo and visual representation of their app.

From here they streamlined and redrafted their app ready for submission.

P6a have been using their steam skills

P6a have been designing and creating windmills from next to a strict criteria. They had to plan out their design and then adapt this as they encountered problems  in creating their windmill.

Each windmill had to be:


At least 30cm tall

have 3-6 blades

blades had to turn

independently support itself.

Children built upon skills and knowledge they had previously learned when looking at bridges and creating thir Ferris wheels.


Mathematic Investigations

P6a researched various aspects of Maths from the history to the influence of the Greeks & Egyptians to Chinas influence today.

They researched famous Mathematicians and discovered close relationships with the sciences and art and understood what STEM or indeed STEAM subjects are linked together.

They created posters of their findings and confidently presented these to the class.

Knex STEM challenge

The children worked in groups to discuss and plan how they were going to meet the challenge that they had been set.

After they had designed their Ferris wheel, they began structural work. This involved adapting their design and making improvements as they used their problem solving strategies to build their model. They groups were using language of engineering as their design brief involved them creating a movable, sturdy structure. There was a lot of mathametical language use, particularly involving shape and number.

The children presented their final product to the class and assessed their performance, design, and teamwork skills. They discussed what had worked well and what they would do differently next time.