Tag Archives: P6a Primary 6a

Breeding Bacteria

Pupils have been learning about bacteria and germs and participated in an experiment to assess the effects of a variety of conditions on bacteria growth. Underpinning this experiment was the importance of washing your hands. They used bread as a visual stimulus for this experiment.

Children will monitor and record the difference in bacteria growth over the next two weeks.

STEM with P1

P6a share their knowledge and skills with P1 on Friday when they helped them design and create 3D shapes and structures from Kapla. They worked together to help the infants problem solve, create and adapt their designs. There was a fantastic sharing of mathematical and engineering language.

The Northern Lights

As part of their social studies topic, P6a have been learning about Norway, which also links to their current novel study.

They have been learning about the phenomenon called Aurora borealis known as “The Northern Lights” are created. They then used chalk pastels to create their own interpretation of the images they had seen.

App design

P6a are very excited to be participating in the Make it Happen competition. Today they brainstormed ideas and created a brief outline of their app’s storyline. They created a title, logo and visual representation of their app.

From here they streamlined and redrafted their app ready for submission.

Upcoming activities

Thursday 30th January- Taekwando taster session

Monday 3rd February – Outdoor learning. Bring waterproof jacket & wellies/ old shoes that are able to get dirty.

Thursday 6th February- Handball tournament. Bring PE kit, Waterproof jacket, trainers, Packed lunch.